Perfumer’s Alcohol – Everything You Should Know

Perfumer’s alcohol is an integral component in fragrance creation. As its name implies, ethanol manufacturers explicitly designed SDA40B & SDA3C for use in perfumes, colognes, and other fragrances – specifically designed to prevent ingestion by consumers as a beverage. Our comprehensive guide on perfumer’s alcohol will cover its benefits, uses, and more – everything you need to know!

What Is Perfumer’s Alcohol?
Perfumers alcohol (Perfumer’s alcohol), also known as perfume alcohol or perfume base, is a specialized type of alcohol used to formulate fragrances and perfumes. It is a mixture of alcohol, typically ethanol, and other ingredients that help to enhance the scent and longevity of perfumes in addition to making the ethanol undrinkable. Perfumer’s alcohol is safe for skin use and effectively dissolves and disperses fragrance oils.
One of the primary uses of perfume alcohol is to create perfumes and colognes. It serves as a carrier for aromatic compounds and helps to distribute the fragrance evenly on the skin. Perfumers’ alcohol provides a stable and long-lasting base for perfumes, allowing the scent to be released gradually over time.
Manufacturers also use perfume alcohol in other scented products such as body sprays, room sprays, and aromatic lotions. It provides a versatile and efficient solvent for blending fragrances and essential oils to create unique scents.
When purchasing perfumers base online, there are a few critical factors to consider. First, it is crucial to ensure that the alcohol is of high quality and suitable for cosmetic use. Look for perfumers base alcohol that is specifically labeled USP Grade and suitable for use on the skin. You want to ensure the alcohol has undergone appropriate filtration and purification processes to remove impurities.
Another consideration is the presence of specially denatured alcohol (SDA) formulas, such as alcohol SDA 40 and SDA 3C, two blends ideal for use as perfumers base ethanol. Specially denatured alcohol is alcohol that has been rendered unfit for consumption by adding denaturants, such as bitterants or solvents. These denatured formulas are often required in perfumery to avoid the imposition of federal excise taxes by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB).
It is important to note that using specially denatured alcohol for perfumery requires an Industrial Alcohol User Permit from the TTB. This permit is necessary to legally handle and use specially denatured alcohol without incurring federal excise taxes. Therefore, if you intend to use specially denatured alcohol formulas like SDA-40B or SDA-3C in your perfumes, it is crucial to obtain the necessary permit to ensure compliance with regulations.
To learn more about specially denatured alcohol vs completely denatured alcohol, visit out blog.

An advantage to using SDA40B in fragrance creation is its specific design for perfumes and colognes; therefore, its use will have less chance of altering the scent of your fragrance than other alcohols might do. This product won’t impact your fragrance in any way. Finally, it dries quickly, so your scent can develop rapidly.
How to Utilize Perfumer’s Alcohol
SDA-40B is typically used as a solvent to dissolve essential oils and aromatic compounds that compose fragrance. To use the perfumer’s alcohol effectively, combine essential oils and aromatic compounds with the SDA40B and stir them until fully dissolved. This ratio may depend on the kind of fragrance. Use a 1:3 or 1:4 ratio as a general guideline. With that said, consult your fragrance manufacturer on best practices. Once fully dispersed, bottle and use according to preference.
Where Can I Purchase Perfumer’s Alcohol?
Simple Solvents is a leading provider of high-purity solvents, including Perfumer’s Alcohol. We offer Specially Denatured Ethanol by the gallon, drum, tote, tanker, and railcar sizes. You can purchase specially denatured alcohol directly from us by visiting our website or contacting our sales team. We also offer bulk orders that can convert to recurring supply agreements, which can be a cost-effective solution for your business. Additionally, we provide value by educating our customers on how to use, store, transport, recover, and dispose of our products. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can view denatured ethanol for perfume: Perfumers alcohol product details here.
Perfumer’s alcohol is an essential ingredient when it comes to fragrance creation. As high-proof alcohol designed for perfumers and other fragrance enthusiasts alike, SDA 40B & SDA 3C provides neutral and pure results when creating perfumes and other fragrant substances.Â
- Fast-drying properties
- Neutralization capabilities
- Easily dissolves essential oils or aromatic compounds